Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Making Time

This is probably the fifth time I've tried to post. I keep getting distracted. Between the 3 year old, the 17 month old, potty-training (just the 3 year old), naps (for both, sometimes for me, too), the upheaval going on at my and my husband's place of work, and the insane stress of buying a house (we close in TWO DAYS!!), well, it's pretty easy to get distracted.
But the thing is, I NEED to make time for myself.
And I NEED the accountability that doing this on a blog will provide for me.
First weigh-in, today, Wednesday, June 8th, is 212.6 lbs. I'm 5'9".
And I could go into all the reasons I weigh what I weigh, but that's not the point of this. The point is to LOSE it.
I recently had my thyroid checked, and thankfully it came back normal (though I'd like to know where in the normal spectrum I fell, because this isn't the first time my doctor has wanted to check my thyroid...).
In any case, as things are now, I'm good to go in getting rid of this weight. The buying a house process is winding down, we've got everything we need paperwork-wise, just need to sign, (FRIDAY!!! 11am!!!!), and then starts the moving process, but that's something I'm excited to get done, not a chore that's going to stress me out. Oh, and did I mention we are NEVER moving again???? Yeah.
Now I need to make time for me.
Starting today, I'm going to write down everything that I eat. I'm not going to write down exact measurements, that is too tedious, but I am going to pay attention to portion sizes. I'll only drink 2 sodas today. Believe me, that's gonna be difficult enough.
That's enough for now. Otherwise, I'll get overwhelmed! :)


  1. Good for you MJ--you've got a lot going on! But I know--I KNOW--you can do it. Go for it!

  2. keep it up!! ~bob
