Sunday, April 15, 2012

Drop Dead Healthy

My husband found this video tonight--pretty entertaining guy and a few good tips.  I have found the keeping gum in my purse (which is always nearby, even at home) helps me get through some of the more challenging parts of the day and keeps me from eating when I'm driving--yet another bad habit I get into at times.

I think his book looks like kind of a fun read and may have some more good tips in it as well.  Just a thought.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I just came across this article and it's actually something I have noticed with myself for some time now.  If I want to lose there are certain foods I just have to stay away from because once I eat some it's like I just totally lose control!

I also have to watch out for certain times of day.  Mornings are easy for me.  Generally speaking I eat pretty much the same thing almost everyday--my own version of muesli with yogurt, milk, and fruit.  Water.  Supplements.  That's it.  I rarely eat anything between breakfast and lunch and I don't even think about it.  For lunch it's often leftovers and often too big a portion of leftovers.  But sometime between lunch and dinner the cravings begin.  I usually try to have a piece of fruit midway through the afternoon, but what I really want is junk--something--anything!  Any cookies around?  Candy?  Chocolate chips?  And if it's something that I can eat piece by piece like chips or m&ms I will eat until it's gone.  It's like I can not stop.  Whatever.

So I know I have to find a way to keep myself busy (ie., out of harm's way) during my dangerous parts of the day AND avoid those gateway dr...ah...foods.  Like the plague.