Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year, New Start?

Hello!  It seems with the holiday season, I kinda gave up on losing any weight or getting in shape.  Thankfully, I didn't GAIN any weight, so I'm not starting OVER, just starting ANEW.  :)

I've been thinking about trying out the P.I.N.K method; saw it on Dr. Phil, and it looks more in depth than W.W.  I did W.W. after having Aidan, my 4 year old, and it worked great, I lost weight like crazy, but I'm thinking it was only because I was working on the ramp at the airport and not counting that as excersize.  Because when I was working at a desk after having Asher, it did NOTHING for me.  But they don't really place an emphasis on exercise, just watching what you eat. 

I need motivation to exercise.  Watching what I eat has helped me maintain, but I want to LOSE.  I don't know if this will work for me, but I'm willing to give it a shot.  It's cheaper overall than a gym membership, and easier--I don't have to lug my kids anywhere or find someone to watch them so I can hit the gym.

Also, it's come to my attention that I need a dream.  I was reading a friend's blog, and she was talking about how she's kinda stalled out lately--she's living her dream from when she was young, and has realized that she needs a new dream.  And it occurred to me that I'm in the same boat.  I have a loving husband, 2 wonderful children, a home in which to raise my family, great neighbors, and a church family that I love.  My health isn't as tip-top as I would like.  I'm still hovering around 204 lbs.  Which doesn't look HORRIBLE on my 5 foot 9 inch frame, but it's not flattering.  I look at pictures of myself when I was in Maine, how I thought then that I was heavy, and WISH I was back at that weight.

Just "losing weight" isn't working for me, though.  I need something more...concrete.  I think I need to commit to running a 5k or something similar, though I'm not going to commit to that just yet.  Maybe I commit to committing to running a 5k?  :)

One thing I need to do is commit to writing on here more.  Maybe once a week?  Because just writing this post is motivating me.