Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I know it's been too long since I've posted, but I've been reading everyone's posts. I found the last one particularly interesting.
I've been eating a salad a day for the last couple of weeks, as well as making sure at least 60% of my plate is vegetables rather than meat, and it's working!
I weighed in this morning at 205.2--I've lost 7 lbs!!!!
Oh, and I read a column in yesterday's paper, and Dr Oz says when you measure your waist, you're supposed to suck your gut in, like you're trying to impress someone. That was news to me. And a woman's waist is supposed to be 32.5 inches or less.
Just FYI.


  1. wow! congratulations! sounds like what you're doing is definitely working for ya! ~bob

  2. You go MJ!! Keep it up because it's encouraging for EVERYONE!
