Monday, September 19, 2011

My Get Healthy Strategy:

I got myself a puppy!  His name is Bandit, and he's an American Bulldog/Pitbull  mix.  He's 6 months old, great with the kids, and freaking adorable.  I love him.

I've had some health issues lately, been on leave from work because of the stress, and watched my weight creep up to 212 lbs two weeks ago.  Granted, it was at the doctor's office that I got that last number from, so I was probably only 208, haha.

Anyway, Bandit has been such a blessing.  Because he's so active, I need to take him for at least one 30 min walk a day, and then if I don't take him for another walk, I at least go outside and play with him, wrestle, and play catch.  I run with him, too.

I knew I was on the right track when I went to yet another doctor appointment and my weight was DOWN a few pounds.

As of yesterday, I weigh 202.8!!!  I'm *thisclose* to the good side of 200 lbs!!!  :)


  1. cute pooch! and congrats on your weight loss!

  2. What a sweetie! My son has a pitbull and it's the sweetest dog you ever saw.
    Good going on the weight loss--down is good!

  3. Awesome! I am all for pets aiding in the loss of weight.
